use crate::component::datatype::DataType;
use crate::component::field::Field;
use crate::component::table::Row;
use crate::component::table::Table;
use crate::storage::bytescoder;
use crate::storage::file::File;
use crate::storage::index::Index;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DiskInterface {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UsernamesJson {
pub usernames: Vec<UsernameInfo>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UsernameInfo {
pub name: String,
pub path: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DbsJson {
pub dbs: Vec<DbInfo>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DbInfo {
pub name: String,
pub path: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TablesJson {
pub tables: Vec<TableMeta>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TableMeta {
pub name: String,
pub username: String,
pub db_name: String,
pub path_tsv: String,
pub path_bin: String,
pub primary_key: Vec<String>,
pub foreign_key: Vec<String>,
pub reference_table: Option<String>,
pub reference_attr: Option<String>,
pub row_length: u32,
pub attrs: HashMap<String, Field>,
pub attrs_order: Vec<String>,
pub attr_offset_ranges: Vec<Vec<u32>>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum DiskError {
impl From<io::Error> for DiskError {
fn from(_err: io::Error) -> DiskError {
impl From<serde_json::Error> for DiskError {
fn from(_err: serde_json::Error) -> DiskError {
impl From<bytescoder::BytesCoderError> for DiskError {
fn from(_err: bytescoder::BytesCoderError) -> DiskError {
impl fmt::Display for DiskError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
DiskError::Io => write!(f, "No such file or directory."),
DiskError::BaseDirExists => write!(f, "Base dir already exists and cannot be created again."),
DiskError::BaseDirNotExists => write!(f, "Base data directory not exists. All data lost."),
DiskError::UsernamesJsonNotExists => write!(f, "The file `usernames.json` is lost"),
DiskError::UsernameExists => write!(f, "User name already exists and cannot be created again."),
DiskError::UsernameNotExists => {
write!(f, "Specified user name not exists. Please create this username first.")
DiskError::UsernameDirNotExists => write!(f, "Username exists but corresponding data folder is lost."),
DiskError::DbsJsonNotExists => write!(f, "The `dbs.json` of the username is lost"),
DiskError::DbExists => write!(f, "DB already exists and cannot be created again."),
DiskError::DbNotExists => write!(f, "DB not exists. Please create DB first."),
DiskError::DbDirNotExists => write!(f, "DB exists but correspoding data folder is lost."),
DiskError::TablesJsonNotExists => write!(f, "The `tables.json` of the DB is lost."),
DiskError::TableExists => write!(f, "Table already exists and cannot be created again."),
DiskError::TableNotExists => write!(f, "Table not exists. Please create table first."),
DiskError::TableBinNotExists => write!(f, "Table exists but correspoding bin file is lost."),
DiskError::TableTsvNotExists => write!(f, "Table exists but correspoding tsv file is lost."),
DiskError::TableIdxFileNotExists => write!(
"Index file does not exist. Please build and save it before you can load from it."
DiskError::JsonParse => write!(f, "JSON parsing error."),
DiskError::RangeContainsDeletedRecord => write!(f, "The range of rows to fetch contains deleted records."),
DiskError::RangeExceedLatestRecord => {
write!(f, "The range of rows to fetch exceeds the latest record on the table.")
DiskError::RangeAndNumRowsMismatch => {
write!(f, "The range of rows does not match number of rows to be modified.")
DiskError::AttrNotExists => write!(f, "The row does not contain specified attribute."),
DiskError::BytesError => write!(f, "Error raised from BytesCoder."),
DiskError::DuplicatedKey => write!(f, "Attempting to insert an duplicated key to index."),
DiskError::IndexKeyNotFound => {
write!(f, "Attempting to access or delete a key which does not exist in index.")
impl DiskInterface {
pub fn create_file_base(file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
pub fn create_username(username: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::create_username(username, base_path)?)
pub fn get_usernames(file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<String>, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
pub fn remove_username(username: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::remove_username(username, base_path)?)
pub fn create_db(username: &str, db_name: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::create_db(username, db_name, base_path)?)
pub fn get_dbs(username: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<String>, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::get_dbs(username, base_path)?)
pub fn remove_db(username: &str, db_name: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::remove_db(username, db_name, base_path)?)
pub fn create_table(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table: &Table,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::create_table(username, db_name, table, base_path)?)
pub fn get_tables(username: &str, db_name: &str, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<String>, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::get_tables(username, db_name, base_path)?)
pub fn load_tables_meta(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Vec<TableMeta>, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::load_tables_meta(username, db_name, base_path)?)
pub fn load_table_meta(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<TableMeta, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::load_table_meta(username, db_name, table_name, base_path)?)
pub fn drop_table(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::drop_table(username, db_name, table_name, base_path)?)
pub fn append_rows(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
rows: &Vec<Row>,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::append_rows(username, db_name, table_name, rows, base_path)?)
pub fn fetch_rows(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
row_range: &Vec<u32>,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Vec<Row>, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::fetch_rows(username, db_name, table_name, row_range, base_path)?)
pub fn delete_rows(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
row_range: &Vec<u32>,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::delete_rows(username, db_name, table_name, row_range, base_path)?)
pub fn modify_rows(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
row_range: &Vec<u32>,
new_rows: &Vec<Row>,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
username, db_name, table_name, row_range, new_rows, base_path,
pub fn get_num_rows(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<u32, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
Ok(File::get_num_rows(username, db_name, table_name, base_path)?)
pub fn storage_hierarchy_check(
base_path: &str,
username: Option<&str>,
db_name: Option<&str>,
table_name: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
if !Path::new(base_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::BaseDirNotExists);
let usernames_json_path = format!("{}/{}", base_path, "usernames.json");
if !Path::new(&usernames_json_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::UsernamesJsonNotExists);
if username == None {
return Ok(());
let usernames_file = fs::File::open(&usernames_json_path)?;
let usernames_json: UsernamesJson = serde_json::from_reader(usernames_file)?;
if !usernames_json
return Err(DiskError::UsernameNotExists);
let username_path = format!("{}/{}", base_path, username.unwrap());
if !Path::new(&username_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::UsernameDirNotExists);
let dbs_json_path = format!("{}/{}", username_path, "dbs.json");
if !Path::new(&dbs_json_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::DbsJsonNotExists);
if db_name == None {
return Ok(());
let dbs_file = fs::File::open(&dbs_json_path)?;
let dbs_json: DbsJson = serde_json::from_reader(dbs_file)?;
if !dbs_json
return Err(DiskError::DbNotExists);
let db_path = format!("{}/{}", username_path, db_name.unwrap());
if !Path::new(&db_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::DbDirNotExists);
let tables_json_path = format!("{}/{}", db_path, "tables.json");
if !Path::new(&tables_json_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::TablesJsonNotExists);
if table_name == None {
return Ok(());
let tables_file = fs::File::open(&tables_json_path)?;
let tables_json: TablesJson = serde_json::from_reader(tables_file)?;
if !tables_json
return Err(DiskError::TableNotExists);
let table_bin_path = format!("{}/{}.bin", db_path, table_name.unwrap());
if !Path::new(&table_bin_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::TableBinNotExists);
if dotenv!("ENABLE_TSV") == "true" {
let table_tsv_path = format!("{}/{}.tsv", db_path, table_name.unwrap());
if !Path::new(&table_tsv_path).exists() {
return Err(DiskError::TableTsvNotExists);
pub fn get_datatype_size(datatype: &DataType) -> u32 {
match datatype {
DataType::Char(length) => length.clone() as u32,
DataType::Double => 8,
DataType::Float => 4,
DataType::Int => 4,
DataType::Varchar(length) => length.clone() as u32,
DataType::Url => 256,
pub fn build_index_from_table_bin(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Index, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
let table_meta = DiskInterface::load_table_meta(username, db_name, table_name, Some(base_path))?;
let mut index = Index::new(table_meta)?;
pub fn load_index(
username: &str,
db_name: &str,
table_name: &str,
file_base_path: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Index, DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));
let table_meta = DiskInterface::load_table_meta(username, db_name, table_name, Some(base_path))?;
let mut index = Index::new(table_meta)?;
pub fn save_index(index: &Index, file_base_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), DiskError> {
let base_path = file_base_path.unwrap_or(dotenv!("FILE_BASE_PATH"));;